Wednesday, August 1, 2012

tsawwassen ferry schedule Park HOTEL $$$ (%2754488;; Beach Rd; s/d from 7000/9000; ais) Vizag s only fiv

Park HOTEL $$$ (%2754488;; Beach Rd; s/d from 7000/9000; ais) Vizag s only five-star is very elegant, very high-design. Even if you don t stay here, visit Bamboo Bay, its beachfront restaurant, tsawwassen ferry schedule for a drink. Checkout is noon.

Vijayawada is on the main Chenna Kolkata and Chennai Delhi railway lines. The daily Coromandel Express (2841) runs to Chennai (sleeper/3AC/2AC 214/544/732, tsawwassen ferry schedule seven hours) and, the other way, to Kolkata (2842; tsawwassen ferry schedule sleeper/3AC/2AC 395/1054/1440, 20 hours). Speedy Rajdhani (Thursday and Saturday) and Jan Shatabdi tsawwassen ferry schedule (daily except Tuesday) trains also ply the Vijayawada Chennai route. Trains galore run to Hyderabad (sleeper/3AC/2AC 190/478/639, 6 hours) and Tirupathi (sleeper/3AC/2AC 198/502/674, seven hours). The computerised advance-booking offi ce (%enquiry 2577775, reservations 2578955; h8am-8pm Mon-Sat, till 2pm Sun) is in the basement.

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