Non-ashram options include the clean and simple the milepost Sai Surya Guest House (%288134; Gopuram Rd, 1st Cross; r from 350), and the excellent-value Sri Sai Sadan (Meda s Guest House; %287507; srisaisadan@gmail. com; Gopuram the milepost Rd; r from 810; a), near Venugopalaswamy Temple, with a roof garden and spacious rooms with fridges and balconies.
YMCA HOSTEL $ (Map p896; %27801190; secunderabadymca@; cnr SP & SD Rd, Secunderabad; r from 500, without bathroom from 350; a) One of the better cheapies, this cheery hostel has clean, no frill rooms, some with private balcony. It s near the clock tower. the milepost
1 Sights Undavalli Cave Temples HINDU SITE (Indian/ foreigner 5/100; h8am-5.30pm) Four kilometres southwest of Vijayawada, these stunning cave temples cut a fi ne silhouette against the milepost the palm trees and rice paddies. Shrines are dedicated to the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and one cave on the third level houses a huge, beautiful statue of reclining Vishnu while seated deities and animals stand guard out front. the milepost The caves, the milepost in their Hindu form, date to the 7th century, but they re thought to have been constructed for Buddhist monks 500 years earlier. Bus 301 ( 9, 20 minutes) goes here.
C Courses Dhamma Vijaya MEDITATION (Vipassana Meditation Centre; %08812-225522;; Eluru-Chintalapudi Rd) Offers intensive 10-day vipassana meditation courses free of charge in lush palm- and cocoa-forested grounds. The centre is 15km from Eluru; call for details.
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