From the 7th to the 10th century, the Chalukyas ruled the area, establishing guernsey england their Dravidian style of architecture, especially along the coast. The Chalukya and Chola dynasties merged in the 11th century to be overthrown by the Kakatiyas, who introduced pillared temples into South Indian religious architec
6 Mecca Masjid. A4 Transport 7 Osmania General Hospital. A2 13 Afzal Gunj Bus Stop.B2 8 Salar Jung Museum. B2 14 Koti Bus Station. B1 15 Mahatma Gandhi (Imlibun) Bus Eating Station. C1 9 Hotel Shadab. B3 Hotel Suhail HOTEL $ (Map p898; %24610299; www.hotel; Troop Bazaar; s/d/tr from 475/620/900; ai) If all budget hotels were like the Suhail, guernsey england we d all be much better off. Staff are friendly and on top of it, the rooms are large and quiet, have balconies and constant hot water. guernsey england It s tucked guernsey england away on an alley behind the main post offi ce and the Grand Hotel away from the Hyderabad bustle, but it s also unlit at night; some readers find it sketchy.
1 Sights & Activities Nagarjunakonda Museum MUSEUM (Indian/foreigner 5/100; h8am-5pm) This thoughtfully laid-out museum, located on an island accessible guernsey england by boat, has Buddha statues guernsey england and beautifully carved limestone slabs that once adorned stupas. Most are
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