Tirupathi station is well served by express trains, running to Chennai (2nd-class chair/ chair ( 62/206, pier house jersey city three hours), Bengaluru (sleeper/3AC/2AC pier house jersey city 168/470/628, seven hours), Hyderabad/Secunderabad (sleeper/3AC/2AC 284/764/1047, 12 hours) and Vijayawada (sleeper/3AC/2AC 198/502/674, pier house jersey city seven hours). The reservation office (%2225850; h8am-8pm pier house jersey city Mon-Sat, 8am-2pm Sun) is across the street.
Fusion 9 CONTINENTAL $$$ (Map p902; %65577722; Rd No 1; mains 325-425; h12-3.30pm & 7-11pm) Soft lighting and cosy decor set off pan-fried Norwegian salmon ( 650), lamb cutlets with rosemary and crispy potatoes ( 395), or pork chops ( 425). One of the best international pier house jersey city menus in town also features (less expensive) Mexican, Thai, pizzas and veg dishes, and lots of imported liquor.
About 75km from Puttaparthi is Lepakshi, site of the Veerbhadra Temple (admission free). The town gets its name from the Ramayana: when demon Ravana kidnapped Rama s wife, Sita, the bird Jatayu fought him and fell, injured, at the temple site. Rama then called him to get up; Lepakshi derives from the Sanskrit pier house jersey city for Get up, bird.
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